Thursday, February 14, 2008

Ambassador Pedro!

When the Mets first got Pedro Martinez, many thought he would be a loud mouthed trouble maker. That was what his reputation was in Boston. Perhaps it was putting him and Manny Ramirez together. Perhaps Pedro was given an unfair reputation. Maybe he changed when he got to New York. All I know is ever since putting on a Met uniform, Pedro has been an excellent ambassador for the game of baseball and specifically for the New York Mets.

With Pitchers and Catchers reporting, seeing Pedro and Johan Santana has given the Met fans something to talk about and it has given the media something to discuss. I watched a brief interview with Pedro Martinez today and he talked about how thrilled he was to have Santana as a teammate.

Pedro talked about the effectiveness of the Mets one-two combination saying that he would come at you from the right side and Johan from the left. He was full of praise for the man who is now the highest paid pitcher in baseball. Yes, Pedro took a moment to praise his own abilities but the overwhelming majority of time was spent praising the acquisition of Johan Santana.

We fans hope for what the Mets hope for, for what Pedro talked about, having an effective one-two punching pitching and a strong pitching staff. Pedro handled the spotlight well (again). As I said before, since coming to New York, Pedro has been a strong ambassador for the Mets!

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