Wednesday, February 27, 2008

The Dentist

Have you ever stopped to think why baseball players make so much money. I have come to the conclusion that it has nothing to do with greed, or the need to show people that a particular ballplayer is consider to be worth more than anyone else. I have even decided it has nothing to do with the union or any other such nonsense. The reason ballplayers make so much money is because of teeth. You read that correctly, it is because they need to take care of their teeth. Well, at least it would be true in my case if I ever made it to becoming a big league ballplayer. Don’t worry, there is no chance of that happening.

I have terrible teeth. I just went to the dentist the other day to find out I need another crown, although this tooth does not need a root canal; at least not yet. I have teased my dentist that I have paid the college tuition for his kids. When his wife was pregnant a few years ago, I told him the only reason they could afford to have another kid was because I was a patient.

As a result of my teeth, it was with both amusement and concern that I read an article about patients in the UK having to take out a loan to pay to go to the dentist. Can you imagine, “Honey, I need to see about Secured Loans so I can go to the dentist.”

I realize that I don’t live in Britain and things are different here than there, still it did make me think twice. I think I will take better care of my teeth.

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