Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Buying Tickets

As opening day rolls around, I know a number of people are looking to get tickets. These days, fans want tickets, and not necessarily to watch the Mets (or whatever your favorite team is) at home. I have a friend who is a Cincinnati Reds fan. He is making it his mission to try and get to a Reds game at every stadium. Of course, you need tickets to get into the game and Tickets Now can help.

Then there are people like me. I am a Met fan but based on my work career and my family life, I no longer live close to Shea Stadium. It is easier for me to see the Mets play in other cities. While Tickets Now does not let you easily see who the visiting team will be (you need to click on the specific date to get that information) you can easily check out a team’s website to find out when they will be on the road and who will be hosting them, and then you can get your tickets.

This is a website that lists all 30 baseball teams. You click on the team you want and it lists all of the home games the team is playing. You can even see the schedule for exhibition games. Once you click on the link for the game you want, it will show you a layout of the field, what seats are available, what the price is for the tickets, and how many tickets you have to buy to get that price.

Whether you are looking for tickets to see your team play at home or on the road, Tickets Now is worth checking out.

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